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Одежда делает человека // По внешнему вИду можно судИть о внУтренних качествах человека.

Now, in his prime, he considered himself а fine Ьig fellow with а soldierly straightness to him, his red hair thick as ever and а fine moustache to boot. And another thing. Не believed that clothes made the man and the man he had made of himself was а Dublin squire. Sports clothes took years off him, he thought, and he always bought the very best of stuff. (Moore)

His image in the dresser mirror looked at him : large, trembling. Look at him, would you, sitting there with his great Ьig ginger moustache, in the hacking jacket he spent hours picking out in Crafton Street, with the tie to match. When, what matter, ties will oot make the man, no. (Moore)

Remember the old Ьоу who said manners make the man? Well, that's changed now. Tailors make men in any image they want. (Steinbeck)